Residential WoodStone Landscape Borders

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Dress Up Your Front Yard and the Entrance to Your Home Quickly and Easily

…just by using a little creativity, a few plants, grasses, trees or shrubs, an accent stone or two and WoodStone Decorative Rock!

Curb Appeal

The appearance of the area near the entrance of your home or your front yard provides the first impression others form when they drive by or come to visit… it’s your home’s “curb appeal”.

Make It Inviting and Increase Your Homes Value

An appealing front yard/entrance area (or “curb appeal”) is welcoming and inviting to guests.  It also increases your home’s value and can be especially important when it comes to selling your home, if you decide to relocate at some point.

Choosing Wisely Pays Off!

Today there are hundreds of choices when it comes to plants, grasses, shrubs, trees, landscape stone and groundcovers.  Once you’ve decided how you want the area to look, one of the main ways to make sure your landscape will stay looking it’s best is by choosing, planting and using materials that are low-maintenance.  Making good choices from the get-go will reduce the time, effort and cost of maintaining the area so it always looks inviting.

Save Natural Resources and Hide the Garden Hose!

Drought tolerant and slow growing plants and shrubs will require less watering and trimming, reducing water consumption, as well as, the work and the time you spend on cleanup.  Installing a drip watering system will also help considerably to reduce water use, irrigation costs and the amount of your time required if you were to manually water the area.  A drip watering system can also be hidden under the groundcover… no more dragging out water hoses or seeing them laying about the yard!

Make It Permanent and Low-Maintenance

Using a stone groundcover in this area instead of landscape bark reduces the unnecessary annual consumption of natural resources.  Unlike bark, stone mulch never needs to be replaced.  Stone groundcovers are permanent… eliminating constant weeding and the need to replace landscape bark each year.  Not to mention the annual work and expense to freshen up dreary, faded landscape bark.


With a little thought, planning and creativity you can easily create a beautiful and inviting low-maintenance front yard with tons of curb appeal!

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