Eagle Mountain Slate Enhances Robert Oshatz’s Stunning Miyasaka Addition in Japan

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MIYASAKA ADDITION | Obihiro, Hokkaido, Japan

In 2017, we were honored to supply a couple semi-truck loads of Eagle Mountain Slate products for a beautiful Robert Oshatz, Architect project in Japan… the Miyasaka Addition, pictured above.

Project Overview:

  • Location: Obihiro, Hokkaido, Japan
  • Architect: Robert Oshatz
  • Materials Used: Eagle Mountain Slate (flagstone) for floors and “floating” slate benches
  • Unique Design Features:
    • Curved wooden beams
    • Massive stone columns
    • Floor-to-ceiling glass walls
    • Inlaid wooden accents in floors and furniture
    • Floating slate benches as standout features

Shipping and Material Details:

  • The slate was specially packaged for a long voyage from the Eagle Mountain Slate quarry in Newport, WA to Japan via Portland, OR, and across the ocean by ship.
  • Special care was taken to reinforce the pallets to ensure the slate would withstand the journey.

Design Highlights:

  • Miyasaka Residence: The slate was chosen to match the slate used in the Miyasaka Residence, built in 1998, which was also designed by Robert Oshatz.
  • Miyasaka Addition: The addition features a seamless integration of natural materials like stone and wood, paired with modern touches like the extensive use of glass.
  • The floating slate benches and the massive stone columns are some of the standout elements that are truly unique to this design.

Personal Connection:

  • We were particularly excited to see the final result, as we don’t often see our material used in finished projects, especially those as remarkable as this one.
  • Robert Oshatz had a direct connection with the team, sharing photos and details about his vision for the project, making it a more personal collaboration.

Final Thoughts:

The combination of natural stone, wood, and glass in Robert Oshatz’s design is stunning, and it’s clear that the Miyasaka Addition has created a space that is both beautiful and functional. Seeing our Eagle Mountain Slate used in this special project is an honor!

If you would like to explore more about the architectural style of Robert Oshatz or other projects he’s done, click on the link below.

Floating slate benches, massive stone columns, unique curved beams and ceiling, floor-to-ceiling walls of glass and beautiful inlaid wood design.

Floating slate benches, massive stone columns, unique curved beams and ceiling, floor-to-ceiling walls of glass and beautiful inlaid wood design.

Gorgeous inlaid wooden dining table and chairs. slate flooring, massive stone columns, “floating” circular lighting, beautiful curved beams and ceilings

👉 Disclosure: This article may contain affiliate links. As an Amazon Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases at no extra cost to you.

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Blue Slate Rock Products


Blue Slate, Inc.

6071 Bead Lake Rd.

Newport, WA  99156

Phone Number:

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Office – (509) 671-2606



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